About me
My research interests include mobile computing and security and privacy. My primary research centers on the advancement of the security, privacy and usability of mobile computing technologies. In today’s world, where modern devices are ubiquitous and technology is deeply integrated into various aspects of our daily lives, there is an ongoing effort to develop advanced systems that enrich user experiences while also preserving their security and privacy.
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the American University of Sharjah (AUS). I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Purdue University, where I was advised by Professor Z. Berkay Celik at the PurSec Lab. I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer and Systems Engineering from Alexandria University.
Shadowed Realities: An Investigation of UI Attacks in WebXR.
Chandrika Mukherjee, Reham Mohamed, Arjun Arunasalam, Habiba Farrukh, and Z. Berkay Celik
USENIX Security Symposium 2025 [PDF]Speak Up, I’m Listening: Extracting Speech from Zero-Permission VR Sensors.
Derin Cayir, Reham Mohamed Aburas, Riccardo Lazzeretti, Marco Angelini, Abbas Acar, Mauro Conti, Z. Berkay Celik and Selcuk Uluagac
NDSS 2025ATTention Please! An investigation of the App Tracking Transparency Permission.
Reham Mohamed, Arjun Arunasalam, Habiba Farrukh, Jason Tong, Antonio Bianchi, and Z. Berkay Celik
Usenix Security Symposium 2024 [PDF]LocIn: Inferring Semantic Location from Spatial Maps in Mixed Reality.
Habiba Farrukh, Reham Mohamed, Aniket Nare, Antonio Bianchi, and Z. Berkay Celik
Usenix Security Symposium 2023 [PDF]iStelan: Disclosing Sensitive User Information by Mobile Magnetometer from Finger Touches
Reham Mohamed, Habiba Farrukh, He Wang, Yidong Lu, Z. Berkay Celik
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PoPETS) 2023 [PDF]FaceRevelio: A Face Liveness Detection System for Smartphones with a Single Front Camera
Habiba Farrukh, Reham Mohamed Aburas, Siyuan Cao, He Wang
26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom), 2020 [PDF]Heartsense: Ubiquitous accurate multi-modal fusion-based heart rate estimation using smartphones
Reham Mohamed and Moustafa Youssef
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), 2017Accurate Real-time Map Matching for Challenging Environments
Reham Mohamed, Heba Aly and Moustafa Youssef
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016SemanticSLAM: Using environment landmarks for unsupervised indoor localization
Heba Abdelnasser*, Reham Mohamed*, Ahmed Elgohary, Moustafa Alzantot, and Moustafa Youssef
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2015Accurate and efficient map matching for challenging environments
Reham Mohamed, Heba Aly and Moustafa Youssef
ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2014Al-Bayan: An Arabic Question Answering System for the Holy Quran
Heba Abdelnasser*, Maha Ragab*, Reham Mohamed*, Alaa Mohamed*, Bassant Farouk*, Nagwa El-Makky, Marwan Torki
EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP), 2014 [PDF][Data]MonoPHY: Mono-stream-based device-free WLAN localization via physical layer information
Heba Abdelnasser*, Reham Mohamed*, Ibrahim Sabek and Moustafa Youssef
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC ‘13)